Site Reputation Abuse Policy Also Applies To Google Discover

Just a PSA – the newish Google site reputation abuse policy not only applies to Google Search but also applies to Google Discover. Google updated the Discover content policies a while back to add a line that reads, “Publishers should be aware of the new site reputation abuse policy that becomes effective as of May 5, 2024.”

While “be aware of” isn’t strong language, this is 100% a policy that not only applies to Google Search but also to Google Discover.

Gagan Ghotra spotted the document change and posted on X, “Google Discover Content Policies now mentions site reputation abuse policy.”

Danny Sullivan, the Google Search Liaison, replied to my clarification, saying, “Yes. It’s a spam policy for all of Google Search, of which Discover is part of.”

So hopefully you won’t be seeing a lot of rented out content on reputatable sites hit your Google Discover feed…

Forum discussion at X.

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