Daily Search Forum Recap: May 9, 2024

Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today, through the eyes of the Search Engine Roundtable and other search forums on the web.

There is another Google search ranking update going on today, May 9th – Google did not confirm it. Google’s CEO, Sundar Pichai, responded to concerns about search quality. Google renamed its AI Answers back to AI Overviews. Google is testing a new Notes button in the search results. Google Analytics 4 conversion performance reports for Google Ads.

Search Engine Roundtable Stories:

  • Google Search Ranking Update Volatility Starting On May 9th

    I am seeing signs of a possible Google search ranking update today, May 9th, between a spike in early chatter this morning within the SEO industry and many of the tools showing a significant lift in ranking volatility in the Google Search results.

  • Sundar Pichai, Google’s CEO, Responds To Google Search Quality Issues

    Google’s CEO, Sundar Pichai, was interviewed by Emily Chang at Bloomberg before the big Google I/O event. They talked a lot about a lot of things, but there was 25-second clip where they spoke about core search quality. As you can imagine, he didn’t say much but he did respond.

  • Google Tests New Search Notes Button

    Google is testing a new button to add a note to the search results. As a reminder, Google launched Notes in Google Search and Discover last November as a labs feature. The new note button is much smaller and just has an icon of a notebook with a plus sign within it.

  • Google Renames AI Answer Back To AI Overview

    A week ago, we saw Google renamed the AI overview experimental results to simple “AI Answers.” Well, that didn’t seem to last long. Google renamed it back to “AI Overview” but left off the “experimental” text on that label – at least in the forefront.

  • Google Analytics Gains Google Ads Conversion Performance Beta

    Google Analytics has a new beta Google Ads report named “conversion performance.” This is a beta feature right now, so you might not be able to see it. But you must link your Google Ads account to your GA4 account. Then you will see the conversion performance over time, analyze conversions and segment by channel groups.

  • Doogler Resting At Google NYC Rooftop

    Here is another Doogler, Google dog, photo. This Doogler is resting on a rooftop at the Google New York City office. I Googled the breed of the dog and I was told it is a Goldendoodle?

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